Philipp Plein

Zatvoreno - Open from 09:00 - 18:00

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To make your day a little brighter, Philipp Plein is thrilled to offer virtual shopping services:
Video Appointment, Telephone & E-Mail orders, Digital Catalogue, Home Delivery, Click&Collect
Please contact the store for your virtual shopping experience:
Phone: +43 (0) 2166 20697
WhatsApp: +39 349 09 11 18 0
Monday- Friday | 09:00 - 19:00
Saturday | 9:00 - 18:00
German, English, Slowak, Polish, Serbian and Czech
You'll find top fashions, all with a hint of 'rock star', at Philipp Plein. His luxury stand-out collections for men and women are must-haves for design conscious young trend-setters.


To Parndorf

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Dizajnerski autlet Parndorf lako je dostupan iz Beča, Bratislave i Budimpešte. Vožnja kolima od Beča traja 30 minuta, od Bratislave 25 minuta, a od Budimpešte 120 minuta.

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Popular Times