
Zatvoreno - Open from 09:00 - 18:00

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To make your day a little brighter, Coccinelle is thrilled to offer virtual shopping services:
Video Appointment, Telephone Orders, E-Mail Orders & Home Delivery, Click&Collect

Please contact the store for your virtual shopping experience:
WhatsApp: +393486166444

Monday, Wednesday, Friday | 09:00 - 12:00
German, English, Slowak & Hungarian

Coccinelle is an Italian fashion brand born in 1978, with its roots in the city of Parma. The brand creates accessories designed to accompany the daily life of women all over the world.
Coccinelle offers a contemporary design embellished by the use of high quality Italian leather, and creates products in the image and likeness of the modern woman celebrating its naturalness and its strong joy of life.

Coccinelle supports the courage of the contemporary woman who expresses her individuality and her style.


To Parndorf

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Dizajnerski autlet Parndorf lako je dostupan iz Beča, Bratislave i Budimpešte. Vožnja kolima od Beča traja 30 minuta, od Bratislave 25 minuta, a od Budimpešte 120 minuta.

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