Arrival by car

You can find us at the following address: Laurenzstr. 51-55 in Ochtrup.

Coming from B54
Please take the exit direction “Ochtrup/Ochtrup-Ost/DOC Ochtrup” and turn right onto K73. After approx. 1 kilometre, use the third exit in the roundabout and drive straight until you reach the Designer Outlet.

Coming from A31
Please take the exit 30 “Gronau/Ochtrup” and take B54 direction “Steinfurt/Ochtrup”. After approx. 3 kilometres, use the exit with direction “Ochtrup/Heek“, after 4 kilometres turn left onto L573 and then turn right onto Gronauer Straße. Choose the first exit in the roundabout onto Bergstraße. Drive straight onto Bültstraße, continue straight in the next roundabout to Laurenzstraße until you reach the Designer Outlet.

There are 1,500 free parking spaces around the Designer Outlet Ochtrup. Disabled parking spaces are available in the car parks Nord 1, Ost and West.

How to find us

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