To showcase our rich territory
Make Provence shine
McArthurGlen Provence participates in the economic and cultural dynamism of its region and city.

Our objective ? To promote a sustained, inclusive and sustainable economical growth, productive full employment and a job for all.
It's the reason why we obtained the label "Emplitude" by the Territorial Counsil and the PLIE of Istres Ouest Provence, a territorial certification's dispositive for companies promoting actions towards employment and professsional insertion.
First territorial label for employment in France, it relies on a concrete assessment of companies around these 3 axis :
- The companies' contribution to the professionalisation of job seekers, students and entrepreneurs,
- Employees' integration and progression within the company,
- The integration of the process in time and best practices sharing.
This award shows the positive impact of McArthurGlen Provence on the revitalization of employment in the region since its opening in 2017. It highlights the joint work implemented by the company and local actors of employment, in terms of recruitment, training and professional integration.
Furthermore, the Center opening has created 750 jobs and for every high-traffic period (such as sales, holidays, ...), about 100 additionnal people are hired on fixed-terms contracts. We also create other jobs by mandating more than 30 local companies for the upkeep, maintenance, security of the Center, which also recruited new employees to ensure their different missions.
While employing each year more staff, we strive to offer a pleasant place of work while supporting enconomical growth in our region by creating jobs and supporting local businesses.

Imagined by Renaud Tarrazi, an architect partner in the Agency MAP (Marseille), the architecture of McArthurGlen Provence is founded on the preservation of the architectural and landscape identity of the Domaine de la Péronne, ancient farming property from the beginning of the XIXth century. Indeed, the Center relies mainly on the rehabilitation and the enhancement of the identity elements of this exceptional 20 hectares site of the Mas de la Péronne (historical bastide), the barns and pigeonnier, the centennial plane-trees and the alignment of remarkable trees bordering the 4km of irrigation canals going through the site.
The insertion in the existing natural site relies on a landscaping of a rare extent for a commercial development. Based on the preservation of the landscape structure of the site and the extention of all the hedges and trees alignment on the land, 90% of the 1 000 trees already existing on the site were preserved and valorised, 250 additonnal trees were planted.
In addition, an urban park was created, facing the main entrance. This new green heart of Miramas forms a physical, vegetal and social link between the Center and its environment, alternately a place of promenade and the theater of major cultural events.
Facing the park, the main entrance's facade is entirely vegetated by a spectacular plant wall. True signature of the Center, this masterpiece was created by the famous botanist Patrick Blanc (Quai Branly Museum, Cartier Foundation, Dubai Hanging Canopies, Hong Kong Politechnic University...).

Attentive to the well-being of our visitors and the quality of our hospitality, we thought the Center like a real living area, beyond the shopping experience. This is how McArthurGlen Provence received the label Tourism & Handicap (T&H), granted for a duration of 5 years by the regional management of organizations for hearing, mental, motor and visual impairment.
T&H is a brand that identifies institutions responding to the specific needs of tourists with disabilities, weither they are auditory, mental, motor or visual and offers the guarantee of an efficient reception adapted to the essential needs of disabled people. Primarily a recognition, it rewards the efforts of tourism professionals in terms of accessibility and reception of specific clients : access to the facilities and services of the institution, personalized customer service dedicated to tourists in terms of attention, kindness, etc.
The Toursim & Handicap brand offers a triple guarantee :
- Quick identification of touristic sites adapted to the needs with dedicated pictograms,
- Trained and sensitized staff,
- Services respecting regulation of accessibility, supervised by specialized assessors.