O nás
Uprostred prekrásneho prírodného regiónu Neziderské jazero ponúka Designer Outlet Parndorf jedinečný zážitok z nakupovania. V našich dizajnérskych obchodoch nájdete všetko, čo poteší srdce nakupujúcich - od fascinujúceho výberu dizajnovej módy, šperkov a obuvi až po elegantný tovar pre domácnosť a trendový športový tovar, zľavnený vždy o 30 až 70 %. Kavairne a reštaurácie, kútiky na hranie pre deti a parkoviská zdarma dopĺňajú zážitok z nakupovania.
viac značiek

Kids Playground
For all little shoppers we offer an exciting playground, where they can play while parents can unwind with a cup of coffee. The playground is accessible for children from ages 6 to 12 years old.

For Kids
Enjoy a special day with your family and look forward to carousels and kiddy cabs for the little ones. In the need of a stroller? Rent it now at our Guest Services and discover your favourite designer brands.
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While you are enjoying a little retail therapy, let your kids go wild at Dinoland. Our professional childminders run regular activities each week from face painting to creative crafts.
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Kids Playground
For all little shoppers we offer an exciting playground, where they can play while parents can unwind with a cup of coffee. The playground is accessible for children from ages 6 to 12 years old.

For Kids
Enjoy a special day with your family and look forward to carousels and kiddy cabs for the little ones. In the need of a stroller? Rent it now at our Guest Services and discover your favourite designer brands.
Discover all stores
While you are enjoying a little retail therapy, let your kids go wild at Dinoland. Our professional childminders run regular activities each week from face painting to creative crafts.
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