To get involved for our community
Contributing positively to the life of our local communities
Since 1995, McArthurGlen Troyes is committed to giving the best opportunities to its local people.

McArthurGlen Troyes’ willingness to be recognized as an integrated actor of its local territory includes bringing concrete job opportunities to its region’s people. Since its foundation, McArthurGlen Troyes participates in the economic dynamism of the Aube department by employing more than 700 persons on site, to which 300 more employees get added during periods of high activity. The Sunday openings of the centre from 2019 led to the recruitment of 100 more employees in 2020. These recruitments entailed the organisation of several job dating events and “journées de l’emploi” in partnership with Pole Emploi, a great occasion to present the existing job opportunities in the centre and to meet the potential candidates. Added to these internal jobs, the use of external companies’ services for the security and maintenance of the centre also leads to the creation of dozens of additional jobs.

As an important economic actor of our region, it is essential for us to bring our support and all the means necessary to anyone who wishes to train for the different positions existing in our centre to allow them to start or continue their professional career in the best conditions, within McArthurGlen or elsewhere. McArthurGlen Troyes is actually a reference in terms of training for other McArthurGlen centres which regularly send their collaborators to our centre in order to perfect their training. For example, we offer to our stores’ sales teams the opportunity to develop their skills through free retail training courses, approaching many different subjects such as sales, management, but also more technical knowledge like textile fibres, expertise on morphologies etc.
We support and regularly welcome students, interns or apprentices, with the will to transfer knowledge and skills useful for their future by offering them an enriching and unique experience with us at McArthurGlen. With this purpose in mind, we made the choice to create a partnership with the group Y Schools (ex ESC group) which regroups several of Troyes’ important schools. Our objective, organise events in collaboration with the different schools to get to meet their students during short interviews and offer them pertinent professional opportunities for the rest of their journey.

At McArthurGlen Troyes, we are committed to serving as a visibility platform for all the different talents of our region, offering them the possibility to present their services or expose their products to our visitors, or to perform on our site. Relying on the expertise of private territorial marketing agency “Aubassadeurs”, McArthurGlen Troyes draws from a large selection of local talents to organize the majority of the events that take place in the centre. “Aubassadeurs” agency’s objective is to highlight business owners from the Aube department and the activities and talents of it population, gathering a community of local ambassadors who proudly claim their sense of belonging to the Aube territory. Supported by many local institutions and authorities, “Aubassadeurs” contributes to making Aube shine in collaboration with all of its actors. Diverse talents from our region are therefore often invited to our centre for events such as workshops, performances, concerts etc.